Watch What You Eat AND Drink

Whether you’re attending fitness retreats in order to lose weight or you’re working on your own at home to shed those pounds, chances are that you have had to make quite a few life changes that you may or may not be that thrilled about. You’ve probably had to cut back on or even eliminate some of your favorite foods from your diet. Maybe you’ve explored new types of exercising to help get in shape. While diet and physical activity are both essential to your LA weight loss plan, make sure that you remember to take in to account what you drink as well.

Cutting back on sugary sodas may seem like an obvious move to people, but the other things that we choose to drink should be taken into account as well. Maybe you’re the type who likes to go out drinking with friends, either to celebrate the end of the work week or as a treat for sticking to your boot camp physical training program. However, make sure you do a little research before you go out — you might be surprised to learn just how many calories are in your favorite beer or your mixed drink of choice. Additionally, that coffee you drink in the morning should be taken into account. A 16 oz. latte can have as many as 200 calories.