The Best Scrub Tops for Nurses

Some say that one of the coolest things about being a medical professional, especially a nurse, is the cool scrub tops.  Scrubs are a very attractive uniform because of the color, fabric and style, which allows medical practitioners to move freely yet remain neat. Since Grey Anatomy came on air, every nurse was encouraged to wear scrubs; thus taking the scrub uniform culture into greater heights.

The scrubs are now the new medical uniform; although the traditional ones still remain recognizable. Due to the wide demand for nursing uniforms worldwide, a wide array of selection of styles and brands has also been developed. When the scrubs were first adopted as medical outfit, the styles then were so plain and simple. But as time has passed and scrubs became fully integrated in the lives of the medical practitioners, new styles have emerged. Women nurses and doctors are very excited about this as the new designs for scrub suits look like a regular day’s blouse or top.

Among many brands for scrubs or medical uniform, the Cherokee scrubs are the most popular as they are made with high quality fabrics, attractive designs and styles and are affordable. The most popular workwear of Cherokee can be bought at @ 10.00 while a nice lab coat for only $ 27.00. In between prices are available for printed scrub tops and plain drawstring pants. Nursing shoes are also available under the Cherokee brand. Most scrub tops design that sells well in the market are those from the Grey’s Anatomy. Other brands for scrub suits are also available; however, they are a bit pricey.