The Benefits of an Invigorating Home-Made Coffee Scrub

You probably make a pot of fresh coffee every morning, and find yourself going back to the coffee vending machine at work to stay awake and sharp, without thinking about the health benefits of coffee to the body. Coffee is rich in antioxidants, which are substances that fight off toxins that make you age prematurely and predispose you to cancer and other irreversible diseases. It is suggested, however, that you limit your coffee intake to 1-2 cups a day, because too much may interfere with your sleeping habits and its caffeine content will cause palpitations. So, what ways can you benefit from the caffeine in coffee? Make a refreshing coffee scrub! The high caffeine content in coffee is an effective fighter against cellulites.

Lots of people love using coffee scrub on their faces, but now that caffeine has been proven to reduce cellulites (fatty deposits which make your thighs, arms, and buttocks dimply and orange-peel-like), they can use their coffee scrub for their entire bodies too. Making coffee scrubs from your leftover coffee granules is best, because they are still grainy but moist, so you know the grains won’t hurt your sensitive skin. However, if you feel that the coffee grains from your coffeemaker have gone too soft, add a few teaspoons of brown or white sugar for added texture.

The crystals of the sugar will exfoliate and buff your skin for that smooth glow. Always make sure you rub in circular motions, especially when you are using the scrub for your face. This is so you can get even skin tone. Use the scrub for your entire body, preferably in the shower, when you skin is soft and easier to exfoliate. Concentrate on cellulite-prone areas, such as arms, thighs, buttocks and tummy.