Shaving Tips

Shaving is one of the oldest forms of hair removal and the most inexpensive. If you are one of those women who can never shave their legs without a few nicks and later on a couple of ingrown hairs, you should read these tricks to shaving which can help you get those smooth sexy pins.

– Before you shave make sure your skin is wet and softened. Shaving dry skin can cause you to break out in a rash or cause nicks.

– Using a shaving cream is a good way to create a foamy lather that can help you get a closer shave.

– Before you shave make sure you exfoliate your skin with either a loofah or an exfoliator glove. This will help reduce ingrown hairs after you shave. Ingrown hairs occur when a strand of hair folds backwards. You can identify ingrowns by closely examining your legs for small red bumps.

– Make sure you use a clean razor that is relatively sharp. Most women are more prone to get skin irritations for disposable razors, so try purchasing a razor that uses changeable cartridges, like for example the Gillette Venus razor or the Schick Quattro razor for women.

– When shaving your legs, go against the grain of your hair. Generally a women’s leg hair grows downwards, which means that you should shave from your ankle upwards.

– When you are done with shaving your legs, make sure you use baby oil or a moisturizer to reduce skin irritation and lock in moisture.