How to Prepare the Skin for a Spray Tan

Getting a natural-looking tan doesn’t have to be unhealthy. Instead of exposing your skin to harmful UV rays from the sun or a tanning bed, you can easily achieve a beautiful, brown tan by getting a spray tan. Also called airbrush tanning, a spray tan is considered a safe and natural way to get a tan using a DHA-based solution.

Whether you step into the booth or get a personal tan from a technician, you will want to prepare your skin before getting a spray tan. Preparing your skin with special spray tanning supplies will ensure a long-lasting, golden brown tan. Here are a few tips on preparing the skin for a great spray tan.

Exfoliate your skin. Uneven, rough, or dry skin is not a good canvas for a spray tan. Before you spend time and money getting an airbrush tan, exfoliate your skin at least 24 hours before your treatment. There are many ways you can exfoliate your skin including traditional methods and new methods. Simple ways to remove the dead surface layer of your skin includes using a sugar or salt scrub, or an exfoliating brush. You can also find exfoliating gloves.

In addition to traditional exfoliating methods, you can shop your favorite sunless tanning store for special exfoliating products designed for sunless tans, such as a body scrub and polish or a sulfate free body wash. A renewing exfoliator body scrub with polish is the best type of product to use because it exfoliates the skin, evens out tone and texture, while hydrating the skin. The final result is clean, even skin for flawless color results.

Another type of product you can use to exfoliate your skin and prepare it for a sunless tan is a gel designed to enhance DHA results. This type of gel or spray gently exfoliates and cleanses the body. However, unlike other products used to exfoliate the skin, you don’t wash it off. Instead, you rub it over the area to be tanned and then proceed with the application. You might find airbrush tanning kits with everything you need to prepare your skin before a sunless tanning treatment.

Sunless tanning salons also offer pH balancing prep wipes, another way to prepare the skin for a great airbrush tan. These handy wipes not only remove the dead surface layer of the skin, but also cleanses the skin for long-lasting DHA results.

Regardless of how you exfoliate the skin, this important step will help you achieve that realistic, natural looking tan.


This post was provided by Artesian Tan, a wholesale retailer of sunless tanning products and supplies, including products designed for sunless tanning exfoliation. Visit the website to purchase spray tan kits and other supplies.