How To Cut Your Own Hair

Some people enjoy visiting the salon and some do not. While it can be more reliable, cutting your hair at home can save money and give you room to experiment.

Here are a few tips to remember when cutting your own hair:

– Hair should be freshly shampooed and tangle free. Spritz your hair with water. Wet hair is easier to cut than dry hair. Keep a bottle of water with a spray nozzle, to dampen hair during the process.
– Your scissors must be sharp.
– Remember to keep it simple. The easier the cut, the better.
– Decide on a length you are comfortable with. Work in small sections. Comb your hair straight, hold a section between your index and middle fingers. Cut only a half inch at a time. Keep examining your progress. Take your time.
– If you’ve got curly hair, remember, it shrinks up a fair amount once dry. So cut your hair longer than the length you settled for.
– If you have thick hair, trim only very small sections at a time. Cutting too much at a time can result in an uneven cut.
– Once you’ve finished, take sections of hair from the opposite sides of your head and check if you’ve cut them evenly. If they are fairly matched, then you’ve done a good job. If not, carefully trim pieces that seem too long.
– Stand in front of a mirror and hold a hand-held mirror behind you to check the back of your hair.