How to Avoid Sweat Patches

Most people suffer from a common and embarrassing problem: sweating. When this takes place excessively on the soles, palms and armpits – then it could have a direct impact on you. A worst case scenario involves those affected avoiding any kind of social interaction. This is not a condition that cannot be cured and should not give you any reason to worry!

You sweat when the temperature is hot, which also helps to keep your body temperature stable. If you sweat more than usual, then you have a problem. It is called excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis. This can be classified as such:

1. Primary focal hyperhidrosis – This is excessive sweating that takes place on the palms, soles and face or scalp while the rest of the body sweats as normal. There is no real explanation for this as medical experts say that it has not yet been linked with any other medical problem. They can only state that this is due to overactive sweat glands. This is sometimes hereditary and is known to develop before you reach the age of 25. This kind of condition is triggered by spicy foods, emotions and even excessive heat.

2. Secondary focal hyperhidrosis – This is a fairly uncommon condition and involves sweating in one area of the body. You might sweat in and around your legs. When consulting a doctor regarding this, you might be directed to carry out a few tests first.

3. Generalized hyperhidrosis – This means that you sweat all over your body. Caused by a medical condition, it increases your levels of sweating above normal. Problems with the heart, nerve damage and side effects to certain drugs can cause this condition.

How can you avoid excessive sweating?
Switch to a bland soap that will not irritate your skin
Avoid spicy foods
Use an antiperspirant on a regular basis.
Wear clothes that will not show sweat marks easily. Black and white clothes are recommended.
Avoid tight clothing and those made with nylon or Lycra fabrics.