Giving Yourself a Pedicure At Home

Treating yourself to a pedicure at the salon is luxurious. Sometimes though, with the busy lives we lead, getting yourself to the salon can prove to be quite a task. Instead, you should consider giving yourself a pedicure. It is not that difficult, and you probably have most of the products at home anyways. Here is a step-by-step guide on how you can give yourself a fabulous pedicure:

1. First, you need to file your toenails – if they need to be clipped, go ahead. When filing your toe nails, file them straight across, and round them ever so slightly at the edges, in line with the shape of your toe. Do not even clip or file them into the corners as this causes painful, ingrown toe nails.

2. Next, fill a little basin with warm, soapy water and soak your feet in it until it cools. This will soften the skin on your feet. Use a foot file, apply some soap on it and rub off the dry skin on your foot in a slow, circular motion. Let the other foot soak while you do this.

3. Once you have finished this, pat your feet dry with a towel. Take a cotton swab, and use a cuticle removing solution on the cuticle and under the toe nail. Be gentle. Do not even attempt to cut the cuticles on your toe nails, it could be painful and cause an infection.

4. Wipe off any leftover cuticle removing solution. Next, use a nice, luxurious foot cream to massage your feet. Be thorough, taking time to work on each toe and every part of your foot. Give the lotion time to penetrate your skin. If you have overly dry skin on your feet, wrap them in a damp, warm towel after you massage them.

5. Rinse both your feet once you have finished massaging them. Use a good exfoliator to remove any leftover cream and dry skin. Apricot scrubs are great for this. Dry your feet well.

6. Next, use a nail polish remover to get rid of any residual lotion or scrub. Then, carefully apply a single coat of clear nail polish as the base on each toe nail. Once it is completely dry, top it up with a double coating of a nail polish color you like. Let it dry completely.

7. Use a light foot cream to complete the pedicure.
Now, is this easy? Try it bi-monthly and you will have absolutely pretty feet.