Coin in Hand, Ready for Adventure

Metal detecting is a great hobby for anyone who is young at heart.  Chances are, the closest you will get you your childhood dream of joining a gang of pirates and searching for buried treasure will be when you find a buried coin on the beach while out one afternoon combing the beach with your metal detector.  That may not sound exciting when compared to the alternative of joining a crew of pirates and having swashbuckling adventures on the seven seas, but you might think it is a little more exciting when you discover that the gold coins you found earlier that afternoon is worth much more than you could have ever imagined.

You never know what sort of things may lie buried beneath those sandy shores. Every day that you go out for an evening stroll with your metal detector could be the day that you find something priceless in the sand, and begin your life as a wealthy treasure hunter. If you find anything that you believe might be worth something, take it into a coin dealer. This way, you can have a professional appraise your find, and possibly even buy it off of you depending on the find and depending on the dealer. With each coin that you find, it is like you are uncovering a piece of history. Coins are like shards of civilizations that existed in the past but have since collapsed, with remainders like this being scattered across the world for any curious person to find.