60’s clothing – The Hippie culture

There’s no doubt that the hippie culture can be considered a domino effect that brought about long lasting changes in terms of culture even up to the dying years of the twentieth century. Where the Beatles sang ‘Love is all you need’ and freedom and brotherhood became the revolution that not only changed 60’s clothing but the way we look at life today.

In retrospect, one must always look back and understand how our lives changed, perhaps in order to understand the future. Take for example, fashion, where several stores now offer clothes from each era of clothing that made waves.

With the resurrection of fashion each year that is presented in new ways by designers who dare to look back at the line of mens vintage trousers back from the 50s, one can only admire and perhaps don the very clothes that your parents and their parents felt so comfortable in.

How does one do that?

You can look online for a range of clothing for both men and women where one can see vintage sport tee shirts to fuller skirts to miniskirts and even the first bikinis worn. One such example is www.vintageclothing.com.

There is great truth in the fact that World War II and the ‘hippie era’ changed our lives for the better as youngsters today can appreciate the freedom and benefits afforded to them which our predecessors could only wish for. Fashion, of course, was just the external expression of these feelings and thoughts.